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A Comprehensive Tool For Tornado Safety And Research

NOAA's Interactive Tornado Maps

A Comprehensive Tool for Tornado Safety and Research

Detailed Data and Visualizations

NOAA's interactive tornado maps provide a comprehensive and accessible tool for understanding the occurrence and movement of tornadoes in the United States. These maps harness data from January 1950 to January 31, 2024, showcasing the exact locations where tornadoes have touched down and their devastating paths of destruction.

The interactive maps also feature a diagram of Tornado Alley, a region that experiences the highest frequency of tornadoes in the US. This diagram depicts the rough location of Tornado Alley and highlights the contributing weather systems that fuel these storms.

Easy Access and Customization

Users can seamlessly access the data through user-friendly drop-down menus or an interactive map. The maps allow for customization, enabling users to filter the data based on specific time periods, tornado intensities, and geographic regions.

Additional Information

In addition to the interactive maps, NOAA's website also provides detailed tables that contain the following information:

  • Tornado touch down location
  • Path length and width
  • Maximum intensity
  • Injuries and fatalities

Conclusion: A Valuable Resource for Tornado Safety and Knowledge

NOAA's interactive tornado maps are an invaluable resource for tornado safety and research. The comprehensive and accessible data empowers individuals, communities, and researchers with the knowledge to better understand these powerful weather events and mitigate their potential impacts. By navigating these maps and exploring the data, users gain insights that can save lives and advance our scientific understanding of tornadoes.
